Laura Foley is the author of ten poetry collections, most recently Sledding the Valley of the Shadow (Fernwood Press). Ice Cream for Lunch: A Grandparents Handbook, winner of The Poetry Box Editor’s Choice Chapbook Award, will be published in February.  She has also won a Narrative Magazine Poetry Prize, The Common Good Books Poetry Prize, the Bisexual Book Award, Atlanta Review’s Grand Prize and others. Her work has been widely published in such journals as Alaska Quarterly, Valparaiso Poetry Review, American Life in Poetry, and has been featured often on The Writer’s Almanac. Her poems are included in numerous anthologies such as How to Love the World and Poetry of Presence.

She has been published in journals around the world, including New Zealand (Poems in the Waiting Room), Australia (XPressions), China (Shanghai Literary Review), England (Aesthetica Creative Writing Anthology and Poetry Society London), Scotland (McClellan Poetry, Arran Arts and Trust), Ireland (Cronnog Magazine and Los Gatos Irish Arts Festival), Canada (Room Magazine) and throughout the USA.

Laura Foley holds graduate degrees in English Literature from Columbia University. Trained in chaplaincy through the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, she has for many years volunteered in hospitals and prisons, and was certified as a Shri Yoga Instructor. She now lives on the steep banks of the Connecticut river in New Hampshire, with her wife Clara Giménez, and their two romping canines.